
Program is installed with a few easy steps. Download the zip to your local computer and upload all files to your webhost.

Create a new database and user using cPanel, DirectAdmin or manually on a platform of your choice. Keep this information at hand during install.

Steps to install

  1. Navigate to
  2. Accept terms and conditions by clicking Next.
  3. State DB-user/password and DB-hostname, click Next.
  4. If all is OK, click Next and you will be done.

These are two main screens you will see during install – only the important stuff is shown:



If you receive any error-messages during this process, please contact support and do a screenshot.

Admin-area will be at and default user/pass is “admin”.

After login

We recommend you to create locations, categories, type of equipment (laptop, server, ipad etc) and a few tags before you add stuff. This is because it will pre filled values that is useful.


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